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My name is Christopher Tromba and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist LMFT109462 based in Los Angeles, California. My approach to therapy is gentle and centered on the client’s values—your values. A therapy relationship where you feel safe and secure can allow you to uncover ways of thinking and believing that no longer serve you and embrace more of your authentic self.

I understand that at times life can be difficult. Therapy can be a soft place to land to talk through those struggles and speak candidly and honestly within the safety of a private and confidential relationship. I offer a place of refuge to find growth, greater self-awareness, and insight. I believe that some of the benefits of therapy are improved moods, an increased capacity for satisfying relationships, greater flexibility and internal sturdiness to face the challenges life brings.

Education and Certification

M.A.    Antioch University

B.A.     UCSB 

Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies (LAISPS)

About me
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